Thursday, May 21, 2009

Been a while

I think the shine on the blog has worn off a bit! Maybe once the kid comes and I'll have more time! Other things going on, I'm training for a marathon. I haven't actually signed up for the marathon, but I joined a running club to train for one.

Carrie is officially in her third trimester. Just 3 short months from now, and I'll have a little girl. Just to answer the usuals (August 18, Girl, Emily Kate, almost done). If you're not sure what this is, it is the answer to all of the questions that EVERYONE asks.


I was watching a comercial and the question of "ideal weight" came up, so I got to wondering what my ideal weight was. I'm 6ft. 4in. .....205lbs. Currently I'm just under 230, according to this website, I'm obese. Not big or "have a few to lose" but obese! Kinda harsh. Oh well, It's my own doing.

Which brings me to this. Anyone/everyone who is overweight (including me) can blame it on one thing. Laziness. McDonalds is easier than preparing a healthy meal. Sitting on the couch is easier than jogging. You always hear this nonsense about glands, big bones and slow metabolism. Fact is, people who eat right and excercise are the healthy ones. If you have the above conditions, it just gives you a steeper hill to climb, but it's climbable.

Maybe I'll get back to blogging, by the way, the "I'll have more time once I have a kid" was clearly a joke. Those that know me, should have caught that.


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