Monday, October 26, 2009

See Just Be Thankful

Things have definitely changed since my last post. Baby Emily was given some medicine to help control her reflux and she is a different baby! Now I bet she doesn't cry 30min./day total, and usually it is because she is hungry or lonely. All because of me! I decided not to complain about it, so I was rewarded!

She really is the happiest baby. I'm convinced that she is the best child ever. She just past the 2 month mark and we really intend to keep that going, but we are going to need some help from the general public. By that I mean. Quit taking your sick kid to the church nursery. Don't let your coughing little girl hover over my baby at the Sprint store. Don't rub your nose then ask if you can hold her. It's weird that you would need to write such things, but in general people are not considerate.

On a separate note, Carrie entered the last year of her life in her 20s. I wasn't able to give her the happy fun birthday that I wanted, but I know that I need to make it up to her. Maybe we will do something super happy fun for Christmas? or our anniversary? Ground Hog Day? Or just maybe, there doesn't have to be a special day to do something for someone special, but they are good reminders.

Hope everyone has a fun Halloween. I will be staying home and passing out candy, so no pranks at my house. Last year we had about 10 sets of trick or treaters. Unfortunately, our neighborhood is poorly lit and doesn't have sidewalks. Just remember you MUST say "Trick or Treat" and you MUST say "thank you"

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Crying Baby

Well, Baby Emily has colic and reflux, and she cries and cries and cries.

I got to thinking last night as I held a screaming baby. (anything to divert my attention from the little scream machine) I thought how awful it was that she is in pain and there is nothing I could do about it. I even thought about registering a complaint. Then I realized, I've got a great baby, and several years ago, I lost a cousin to childhood leukemia. I know my aunt and uncle would go to no end to hear him cry again. Is a crying baby really that bad?

Then I was reading through Facebook at all of the status updates: headache, lack of sleep, I hate Monday, problems with kids at school, etc. We sure do complain a lot. It's ironic that someone sitting at home in a nice home, typing on a computer with internet connection, while watching a plasma TV in the air conditioned room would be complaining about anything. What percentage of the world's population would love such "problems"?

Then, I remembered "Big John" in Sunday school a few weeks ago. Try praying and not asking for anything. It is almost impossible! We want more and more and more. My goal is to be at least twice as thankful as needy. That is, say thanks for at least twice as many things as I ask for. Here's a start

Complaint Change to
Baby Crying Thanks for the addition to our home
Lack of sleep Thanks for a warm bed
Bad Weather Thanks for all of the sunny days, and thanks for watering the Earth.
Headache Thanks for the ability to run and play basketball
Monday Work Thanks for providing me a job
Government/Taxes Thanks for freedom!

I'll leave you with a quote from the great Montgomery Burns, "I would take all that I have and gladly trade it in to have just a little bit more."